There are 4 main reports in weavr:

Lets explore them one by one...

⭐Understanding your Engagement

The Engagement tab within the Collaborate section contains three (3) charts to track the engagement of the people in your organisation who are supporting your reconciliation journey. 

Each chart tells a story, starting from the overall engagement, then at the business unit level and finally looking in detail at individual business units and their responses provided

Combined, we’re able to present a comprehensive picture of business engagement and have an opportunity to have proactive conversations with their contributing business units and leaders to identify any barriers to their participation and work towards a solution.

➡️To get there:

  • Click on Collaborate in the menu at the top of the page.
  • Once on the Collaborate page, click on the Engagement tab (highlighted below)

➡️Let’s look at the example in the screenshot above:

In the first chart, Progress Update Status – All, we can see the number of Progress Updates (custom surveys) that have been generated each month. It shows the previous 12 months for reference. It is a great starting point to gauge engagement. We can visually see if we’re going well, improving or dropping off ✅.

We’re looking for any blue in the charts. This means that there are progress updates that have not been submitted or approved

We can see above that the engagement up until the last couple of months has been fantastic . We understand that some periods are busier than others but, in order to avoid a small backlog turning into a greater engagement issue, it is always recommended to avoid incomplete progress updates going beyond 3-4 months without being addressed. These are targeted questions (ask the right person, the right questions at the right time) 

Now, we’re able to look at the second chart, Progress Update Status – by Business Unit. Again, we are looking for blue areas to see which Business Unit(s) have not submitted or approved their Progress Updates.

It does help us to see who we might need to have a chat with. It also shows us if it is many Business Units or just a few. 

Finally, in the Responses by Business Unit chart, we can focus on individual business units that we have identified in the previous report to see how many questions they have to answer in those Progress Updates. It could be that they feel overwhelmed if there are too many questions, which is completely addressable with a good yarn to sort it out. However, if there are only a small number of questions to respond to, there may be something else such as re-training or re-engaging that could be the solution.

With this chart, we are looking at the purple areas as these are unanswered questions. 

We can see in the expanded version of chart from above, that the June 2024 Progress Update for the Aboriginal Strategy & Engagement Business Unit is actually partially complete (15 completed and 6 incomplete questions). It’s also worth noting that their overall engagement has been amazing.

➡️Tip: Press the  button, in the top right corner of each chart, to expand it out on the screen.


⭐Our Journey

The Our Journey report is the source of everything that has been shared throughout the organisation for the selected Strategy.

It is broken into three (3) sections to create a clear line of sight between the strategy and the detail.

1️⃣ Section 1: Birds Eye View

We begin with the Strategy Timeline. Here we can see where we are on this chapter of our journey today.

Now, with that in mind, lets check a summary of the progress for each Deliverable in the strategy. The bar chart is in percentage. The legend shows the actual number against each status.

Under this we can see a number of snapshots of key areas of interest for our journey. Each snapshot is interactive. When you click on one of the snapshots, the report will put its blinkers on (filter) to only show information relevant to what you are interested in. This includes the Traffic Light section (see next section) which will take you down to the individual entries and supporting evidence where necessary,


2️⃣ Preparing and exporting information from the Traffic Light report

In the Our Journey report, navigate down to the Traffic Light section (the table at the bottom)

It displays all the ‘evidence’ gathered for each Deliverable. It starts at the Action level which includes a progress bar based on the status of the Deliverables under it. By hovering over one of the progress bars, you will how the calculation is made. Here is an example:


From here you can expand the levels of your Strategy to the desired level (blue box below). You can also Collapse all levels as well which will return to the Actions and their progress bar.

You can also add Filters from the right hand side (green box below). These include: Business Units, Deliverable Status and Deliverable Due Date. Use them to focus on specific areas that you want to shine a light on.

Locate the Export feature (red box below)


You will be given the option to export as an Excel spreadsheet or to Print.

The Excel spreadsheet is a good option if you want to review the information or prepare it to respond to ad-hoc queries from stakeholders. It exports with the grouping already applied to make it easy to expand/collapse in Excel.

The Print option lets you print it in PDF format. This is better when you want to share it as a direct extract report or as an Appendix item in a report. It provides the output as it is displayed in weavr.

You may need to tweak the settings to ensure that the information fits neatly on the page. We recommend the following settings:

  • Layout: Landscape
  • Scale (%): 50


3️⃣ Get the full Picture

When you need to have specific focused conversations, about any of the following areas:

  • Employment
  • Procurement
  • Cultural Capability (i.e. the internal work you’re doing)
  • Social Impact (i.e. the external work you’re doing)

You need look no further than the tabs on the right hand side of the page. 

Clicking on one of those will open up a view of everything you could possibly need to understand your current progress in the selected area.

Within these tabs are a layer of categories specific to the topic. Not only this but you will see the data entered over time to provide the visual context of your progress. You can see the Indigenous business procured category is selected below.

Together with this, you will also see the images that have been submitted and the locations where activities have occurred. 

This section is very helpful when it comes to continuous improvement reviews as it is the clearest line of sight between what has happened and what you wanted to happen.


Resetting the report

In the bar above the Traffic Light report – where you find the Export and Filter features, you will see a red button, as shown below, called ‘Reset all filters’. 

By pressing this button, you can exit from the filters you have applied.

The page will revert back to its original state and show you everything again.

If you are unsure of what you are viewing or simply want to get back to the start to move in a different direction, click this button.  


⭐Our Songlines

The Our Songlines report is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on and celebrate the great work being done throughout the organisation.

When reconciliation is becoming embedded in the organisation, it is because the people and their shared values are doing it together. While the Our Journey report provides the "how many" or "how much" etc, this report is for the people.

Adding a new milestone to your Songline is as simple as: 

  1. Pressing the 'Add New' button, 
  2. Selecting the image from the gallery of photos submitted from across the business.
  3. (Optional) Add a logo of an event, initiative or Indigenous business to add more context
  4. Choose a title to appear - limit to 5 words or less if possible
  5. Add the full story - note: it will select anything that was added in the Additional Details section of the Progress Update when they submitted the image. You can change it to anything. It needs to be less than 250 characters though.
  6. Press the 'Save' button

➡️ Additional Tips: 

  1. Add a range of activities and don't lean too heavy on events. Try to get images of things like
    • Indigenous employees who've exceeded expectations, been promoted, etc.
    • Indigenous businesses who were professional and gave a great experience and outcome
    • Cultural Awareness Training workshops
    • Plaques, flags and other Cultural protocols and tributes in offices
    • Community sports teams, groups or other important local mob representation that you sponsored
    • Etc...
  2. If the picture doesn't look right, try resizing it a bit (download it from the Our Journey category if you don't have an original copy available). Ask your Comms dept for help or contact the weavr team and we'll put it through our sausage mincer for you.
  3. Add a balance of milestones that have the extra logo circle in between those that only require the regular 2 circles of the image and the description. It gives more depth to how it looks across your view and it just allows for a better flow of yarn!
  4. Once you have more than 12 images, you will need to use the back and forward icons at the bottom. It's a good thing! You are a rockstar at weavr reporting! Wooo