Our Songline
This is where you can view your Songline generated by the Milestones your organisation has created.
You can access Our Songline under the 'Reporting' section:
This gives you a visual representation of the Milestones your organisation has made on your reconciliation journey.
Milestones are created from the images attached to responses provided by your team in the Progress Updates.
To add a Milestone, click on Add New button on the Songlines page
You will see the images that have been submitted in Progress Updates. You can select any of those images that you would like to represent a Milestone in your Songline for your Strategy
You will see all your Milestones as you add them to your Songline.
You can only see up to 12 Milestones at a time in the page, use the arrows at the bottom of the page to navigate the pages. You can also select from the relevant strategy and periods, to filter your Milestones.